which provides you with chances to practice and improve your all of English skills. In each section of the website, there are different options to learn English.
The first section is vocabulary exercises which you can learn new word, listen to the pronunciation of the words and then do the exercises. There are worksheets too for offline practice.
The second is grammar which you can practice and improve your grammar by watching Grammar videos. The videos show the grammar being used in natural conversations. Then read an explanation of the grammar point and do the exercises to check that you can use the language correctly. The third is reading which you can practice and improve your reading skills for your studies and your English exams. There are activities for different levels, so find your level and make a start.
The fourth is listening which you can listen to audio files in different levels, look at transcript for check your understanding and take the exam for practice.
The fifth is speaking exams which is going to help you to prepare for speaking exams, which for many learners are the exam that is most feared! This section will give you lots of tips and advice so you can do as well as possible in any speaking test. .
The last section is writing. In this section, you will have to look at many kinds of text and do exercise to practice and improve your writing skills.
But if you’re tired, you can play games, watch YouTube videos, have fun with photos and read stories and articles for your level of English. Take a break from your studies and enjoy yourself in study break section.
This website is useful and convenient for English learners and free for everyone!
We hope you enjoy it!