> Nakayama san
Thank you very much for your advice with me. I have done as you suggested as follows.
2. Get the informations from user
- screen image : Please see attached file name RTC_3592_20143010.xls and sheet name : Matter_All , the scree is bottom.
- client log file : currently log file not have data with event 2014/10/09. So i get SystemOut_14.10.17_04.00.32.log from server as follows
1. I recheck traffic from table T_ACCESS_LOG filter user 'Z05209' . after that filter with "CONTEXT_ID" . Please see attachment 1888.
2. I choose the information 2014/10/09 , which is at the time of the incident. Please see attached file name SystemOut_14.10.09.log
- operation procedure : The evidence at 2014/10/09 . Kannika san verify result RTC 3291. such as MSJFF13 the country group and plant not is null. operation procedure screen MSJCF19 as below
1. click MSJCF19 from menu Master Maintenance.
2. input part no = '8981234567'.
3. Click SEARCH button.
3. Confirm with user whether occurred the same defect in other screen or not. : I have confirmed form Kannika san. She said one screen only.