In the Lao PDR, health care services are mainly provided by nurses /midwives. But as the level of
these services is not adequate, there is an urgent need to develop nurses/midwives with appropriate
knowledge and skills and to improve the services.
Under these circumstances, the Lao PDR requested the Government of Japan to provide a Technical
Cooperation Project targeting improvement of the nursing/midwifery education system and
development of nurses/midwives with adequate knowledge and techniques. In response, the Japan
international Cooperation Agency (hereinafter called as ”JICA”) dispatched the Preparatory Study
Firstly, the Lao PDR requested the project aimed to improve the education system of Public Health
Schools (PHS). However, an expert on nursing education dispatched to the Ministry of Health (MOH)
by JICA encountered a major problem: without a feasible health manpower plan, the newly trained
nurses/midwives who would be going through the improve education process would not be posted to
health facilities properly. Therefore, the cooperation approach had been carefully re-examined.
Also, Preliminary Study pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen governmental administration;
such as improvement of nursing education system, job description, formulation of health man-power
plan, and strengthening administrative function.
Based on these findings, it was discussed between authorities of the Lao PDR and the mission that the
Project tasks two Components in a phase arrangement. Component 1 focuses on the improvement of
governmental administration of human resources development for nursing/midwifery, while
Component 2 moves to strengthening of the nursing/midwifery education system through the practice
at a model school. Both sides also agreed that prior to Component 2, they evaluate the achievement
level of Component 1 and discuss on which activities they emphasis in Component 2.