(1) The Employee may be terminated:
(a) by the Company without notice or payment in lieu of notice if the Employee is guilty of any default, dishonesty or misconduct affecting the business, finance or reputation of the Company, or in the event of any breach or non-observance by the Employee of any of the clauses contained in this Contract
(b) if the Employee violates the Company's Working Rules or Regulations or lawful order, and where a written warning has been issued, except that in serious cases the Company does not need to issue any warning;
(c) if the Employee is absent from work for three consecutive working days without proper reason;
(d) if the Employee is negligent, resulting in the Company suffering serious damage;
(e) if the Employee is sentenced to imprisonment under a final judgement of the Court;
(f) by either party upon giving one (1) month's notice in writing.
(2) At any time during or after the termination of the Contract, the Employee must not disclose to any person or company any confidential information relating to the Company, its business or customers which may have come to knowledge of the Employee during his term of employment under this Contract.
(3) The Company may require the Employee to remain away from the work premises during the Employee's notice period (whether notice was given by the Employee or by the Company). In such circumstances the Employee will be required to comply with any reasonable conditions laid down by the Company. The Employee will remain entitled to all contractual benefits and will not be permitted to work for any other person, firm, client or corporation on the Employee's own behalf without the prior written permission of the Company.