A catalyst capable of kinetic Z-selective OM must overcome the
thermodynamically favoured formation of E-alkenes. The reversible
reaction pathway of OM means that it must also inhibit secondary
metathesis, whereby a Z-alkene can be isomerised to the
more stable E-alkene, to prevent erosion of Z/E selectivity.
One of the first Z-selective OM catalysts, developed by Schrock
and Hoveyda, was the stereogenic-at-Mo monoaryloxide-pyrrolide
(MAP) system 1 (Fig. 1). Similar Mo- and W-based systems, including
the stereogenic-at-W MAP catalyst 2, have subsequently been
discovered to provide a collection of catalysts with a range of stabilities
and activities.8,9 In general, W complexes are less reactive
than the Mo catalysts and are thus more suitable for less hindered
olefins where the more active Mo species would display increased
propensity for secondary metathesis and alkene isomerisation.
Grubbs and Hoveyda have also independently developed complementary
stereogenic-at-Ru based systems 3 and 4. These are bench
stable and either commercially available or easily accessible from
known catalyst complexes (Fig. 1).8,10
All catalyst systems developed so far rely on steric differentiation
between axially disposed ligands to induce kinetic stereoselectivity.
In general, alkene substituents are orientated away