Data collection
Semi-structured one-to-one in-depth interviews were utilized
to collect rich, deep grounded data. The time of each
in-depth interview was approximately 1–2 h, depending on
the situation. For the PHNs/HHNs, the questions focused
on their experience and the effectiveness, expectations and
difficulties of the home care service, while the questions for
the CRs/CLs focused on their own coping behaviours and
needs and their experience and expectations of community
nurses’ caring role and the nurses’ functions in helping
them. Thirteen nurses (eight PHNs and five HHNs) were
chosen for the data of observations among the 18 PHNs
and 11 HHNs. The participants were selected by using
theoretical sampling. However, limited by the sampling
convenient of the researcher, the observed data were collected
only from the rural and city part in the Central
Taiwan. The data were observed by unstructured nonparticipant
observation when carrying out home visits: the