3.3. Antioxidant Activity
3.3.1. In Vitro
Comparison of the antioxidant activity of Rice Formula 2 with the DPPH method by comparing from concentrations of substances capable of suppressing DPPH• radicals at 50% (IC50) found Rice Formula 2
(before cooking) to have an IC50 value of 12.21 mg/ml, which was lower than 37.66 mg/ml for Rice Formula
2 (after cooking) while Rice Formula 2 (before cooking) was able to reduce iron atoms by the FRAP method at 3.27 μmol FeSO4/g, which was better than 3.03 μmol FeSO4/g for Rice Formula 2 (after cooking) (Table 2).
When antioxidant activity of Rice Formula 2 (before and after cooking) was compared by the DPPH and
FRAP methods, antioxidant activity was found to be different with statistical significance (p