Curiosity (rover)
The exploration of mars by curiosity. Probes sent from earth beginning in the late 20th century have yielded a dramatic increase in knowledge about the martian system.
Curiosity is a car-sized robotic rover exploring gale crater on mars as part of nasa's mars science laboratory mission. It's was launched from cape canaveral on november 26, 2011 aboard the msl spacecraft and landed on aeolis palus in gale crater on mars on august 6, 2012. The bradbury landing site was less than 2.4 km from the certer of the rover's touchdown target after a 563,000,000 km journey.
The rover's goals includ investigation of the martian climate and geology assessmant of whether the selected field site inside gale crater has ever offered environment condition favorable for microbial life, including incestigation of the role of water and planetary habitability studies in preparation for future human exploration. Curiosity's design will serve as the basis for the planned mars 2020 rover. In december 2012, it's 2 years mission was extended indefinitely.