At this point Jochebed is about to receive back the child she most dearly wanted. She would have done anything to have had him. She would have scrubbed floors in the palace, anything. In fact, suppose the daughter of the Pharoah had said, "I am going to give you this child to raise. But I want you to know that I have seen through your stratagem. I know that this young girl was not up on that hill watching by accident. She must be the sister of this baby and, therefore, you must be the mother. You can have your child. But as a sign of your disobedience to the Pharoah, I am going to cut off your right hand. . . " Well, if she had said that, Moses' mother would have held out both hands if only she could have had the child back. But that is not what happened. Instead Pharaoh's daughter gave her the child, declaring, "Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you" (Exodus 2:9).