This study was carried out to identify the mediating role of the psychological empowerment
mediates the relationship between organizational empowerment and commitment among
Malaysian secondary school teachers. About 800 trained teachers in 83 types of National
Secondary Schools across the three States of Northern Peninsular Malaysia, namely Penang,
Kedah and Perlis were chosen randomly taking part in this study. The data for this research
was obtained through a set of questionnaire which was divided into three sections. The data
was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The findings showed the meaning,
competence, and impact dimensions of psychological empowerment fully mediate the
relationship between organizational empowerment (informal power) and affective
organizational commitment. The result also indicates that there is a significant mediating
influence of psychological empowerment in the relationship between organizational
empowerment and organizational commitment. The result of this study has some direct
implications teachers' behaviors and attitudes in school organizations.