Pick a program(s) that will help you meet those already-established goals.
For example, if you are having high early turnover (when employees leave within the first 1-2 years) in specific positions, then you may want to set up a new hire mentoring program to engage those high-risk employees from day one.
•Identify employees to participate in the specialty programs.
Specialty programs may be as small as 50 participants. Decide if you're going to allow your employees to participate in more than one mentoring program, as well.
•Determine your mentoring program structure.
Define the length of the mentorships (anywhere between 9 and 18 months), required/suggested mentor-mentee meetings and activities, program eligibility, and maximum number of mentees per mentor.
• Plan your mentor matching strategy.
You can allow for self-matching, in which mentees select their own mentors, or you can match up participants yourself. If your specialty program will have more than 100 participants, using an online mentoring software like Mentor Scout can be extremely helpful.