This work covers an IEEE 802.15.4-based
protocol suite named JenNet implementing Zig-
Bee [2], circuit design, testing, and prototyping.
On top of the protocol suite are various applications
that interact with underlying protocols.
Beneath applications is the JenNet stack level,
the network layer that handles network addressing
and routing by invoking IEEE 802.15.4 medium
access control (MAC) operations, whose
tasks include:
• Starting the network
• Adding/removing devices to/from the network
• Routing messages to destinations
• Enforcing secure message transfer
software technology. Treatment involves graphical
user interface (GUI) programming, object-oriented
methodology, and automatic detection of new
startup devices. A second important problem is to
maintain the virtual connectivities among wireless
nodes remotely whatever the physical network
topology, so any new binding changes can be
made effectively. Here we shall resort to some
form of route (binding information) updates on
involved nodes. Proper application programming
interfaces (APIs) can be employed to expedite
software development. Solutions to the problems
should be energy-efficient.
This work covers an IEEE 802.15.4-basedprotocol suite named JenNet implementing Zig-Bee [2], circuit design, testing, and prototyping.On top of the protocol suite are various applicationsthat interact with underlying protocols.Beneath applications is the JenNet stack level,the network layer that handles network addressingand routing by invoking IEEE 802.15.4 mediumaccess control (MAC) operations, whosetasks include:• Starting the network• Adding/removing devices to/from the network• Routing messages to destinations• Enforcing secure message transfersoftware technology. Treatment involves graphicaluser interface (GUI) programming, object-orientedmethodology, and automatic detection of newstartup devices. A second important problem is tomaintain the virtual connectivities among wirelessnodes remotely whatever the physical networktopology, so any new binding changes can bemade effectively. Here we shall resort to someform of route (binding information) updates oninvolved nodes. Proper application programminginterfaces (APIs) can be employed to expeditesoftware development. Solutions to the problemsshould be energy-efficient.
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