Finally, the actual MPI for the country (or region or group) is computed; a convenient way to express the resulting value is the product of the headcount ratio HM (the percentage of people living in multidimensional poverty) and the average intensity of deprivation A (the percentage of weighted indicators for which poor households are deprived on average). The adjusted headcount ratio HMA is readily calculated, and it also satisfies some desirable properties. One of these is dimensional monotonicity, meaning that when a person deemed poor becomes deprived in another indicator, he or she is deemed even poorer; this would not be the case if using the simple headcount ratio. Moreover, HMA is a special case of a broader class of multidimensional poverty measures developed by Sabira Alkire and James Foster; for example, with better data another of these measures may be used to show the severity of multidimensional poverty, analogous to P2.12