This study appraised the feasibility of an elastic band exercise program for older adults in wheelchairs. A
descriptive program review survey was used. A wheelchair-bound senior elastic band (WSEB) exercise
program tailored to older adults in wheelchairs was initially developed by a group of 12 experts. A
feasibility appraisal survey was administered to 10 older adults in wheelchairs through individual
interviews after 4 weeks of the WSEB program. Study participants revealed that the WSEB program was
feasible, safe, appropriate, and helpful to them. Participants further suggested practicing the WSEB
program 3 times/week for 40 min/session in a group of 15e20 people. The finalized WSEB program has 2
levels: the basic and the advanced WSEB program. It is suggested that the basic level to be taught first
with practice until participants are familiar with those exercises before proceeding to the advanced level.