Lu Chenguang had come forward to introduce Su Tianyang and Yue Zhong: “Tianyang, let me introduce this person to you! This is Ning Guang County’s Yue Zhong!! Yue Zhong, this is Su Tianyang Second Young Master Su.”
“Yue Zhong?” Su Tianyang frowned, as he looked at Yue Zhong, before coldly saying: “Yue Zhong, you have come to plead for amnesty right? If you are willing to surrender to the SY County army, I can help put in some words for you, and let you become a squad commander. If you still want to hesitate and drag this matter longer, once the army reaches your Ning Guang County, it will only result in your death!”
SY County had many different characters hanging out together, each of them with unique temperaments. Different powerhouses treated Yue Zhong differently.
Yue Zhong glanced at Su Tianyang coldly and replied with: “I’m waiting for your army to come! If you have the guts, you best lead the army yourself. At that time, I’ll let you experience who will be buried.”
Even though Yue Zhong was reluctant to clash against the army, if the army took the initiative to launch an assault, he would definitely not back down, and thoroughly wipe out the enemy troops. The 7 battalions under Yue Zhong have all went through some sort of warfare, 3 of them could be considered having enough battle prowess that surpasses the army’s soldiers. The remaining 4 also did not consist of cowards that ran at the first sign of trouble. These battalions were Yue Zhong’s trump cards, and even if SY County were to come on strong, he would reply back with a lot more ferocity.
At this point, the conversation between Su Tianyang and Yue Zhong had come to an icy halt.
A few of the Special Forces warriors came beside Yue Zhong and stared at Su Tianyang coldly.
After expansion, the 36-man Special Forces Battalion possessed Enhancers that were all above level 26, each of them experts at utilizing different skills. If it came down to using them, with just their battalion, they could set in motion a wave of carnage nobody would forget.
Su Tianyang’s words had just come out and he was immediately rebuked by Yue Zhong, followed by the cold stares of Yue Zhong’s warriors. This led him to be in a difficult situation, he did not want to continue but he could not back down for fear of his face. He had always been direct and overbearing, but because the Army’s influence and power was huge, no one dared say anything back. This was the first time he had actually faced a retort. It must be made clear that the Army was SY County’s strongest force currently, and most of the smaller powers would rather throw their weight in with the army. Just being the commander of a small squad was an incredible position, and it was more attractive than being part of the government.
Zhou Yanxue walked right towards them at this moment, with a hint of fragrance about her, as she spoke in a charming voice: “Master Su, Master Yue. It is time for me to perform, can I trouble the 2 of you to give me face, and shelve your disputes while listening to my songs?”
“On account of Zhou Yanxue, I won’t pursue this matter.” With the chance to step down, Su Tianyang hurriedly told Yue Zhong off, with a cold look.