Damaged PCMs
In order to study the effect of PCMs deterioration on their
thermodynamic properties, some capsules were intentionally
Latin letters
Cp Specific heat capacity (J/kg K)
k Calibration coefficient
m Mass (kg)
Rf Thermal resistance of furnace (K/W)
T Temperature (K)
t Time (s)
Greek letters
β Heating/cooling rate (K/min)
Φ Heat fluxes (W)
ΔH Latent heat (J/kg)
r reference
s sample
m melting
s solid
l liquid
14 S. Drissi et al. / Journal of Building Engineering 1 (2015) 13–19
subjected to damage in laboratory. Placed between two glass
slides, PCMs were sheared manually by moving the slides in order
to simulate the shear forces of the mixing process. After, the
damaged capsules were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM ZEISS Supra 40 VP) in the same conditions than the
non-damaged PCMs