แบบคุณต้องเรียน2ปีใช่ไหม?Similar to the consonants, each vowel character has a two-word proper name. But, unlike the consonants, these names are simple combination of the word สระ sara, which means “vowel”, followed by the sound that this vowel makes. Therefore สระอะ sara ah, could be translated to “vowel ah” or “short vowel ah”, สระโอ could be translated to “vowel oh” or “long vowel oh” and so on. The exceptions to this rule are some of the สระเกิน (the Extra Vowels). These are ใอ ไอ ฤ ฤๅ ฦ ฦๅ. You’ll notice ฤ ฤๅ ฦ ฦๅ have names similar to consonants. This is because they very, very often are used like consonants. In fact, these characters kind of act as both. They are vowels which function similar to consonants. The final two characters ฦ ฦๅ are not in use anymore today.