5. Nobody can *make* you feel anything. Your feelings are *your own* reaction to a given situation. If you have trouble with this concept just think about the number of times that people have *tried* to make you feel something and it hasn’t happened. And if it WERE possible to change somebody’s feelings, do you not think that somebody would have learnt to do just that, to totally control what another thinks and therefore what that other person wants to do? If somebody could do that, negatively OR positively, he or she would be worth a million in no time at all!
6. The most important one: Your feelings deserve respect and total regard. Accept that they are there and that they are valid, even if they are unpleasant.
Next time that you find yourself feeling uncomfortable in some way, make a mental note that you will investigate those feelings as fully as you can and make an appointment with yourself to do just that – and don’t ‘forget’ it! This is all part of giving your feelings total respect. Create some sort of ‘anchor’ that will let you find it again; creating a strong image of where you are as you feel it will normally do it.