8/ Minaret of jam
Jame , Afghanistan
The tower, approximately sixty-five metres high and articulated over three levels of harmonious proportions, survives in an optimal condition, with the exception of the collapsed balconies. Today it stands in glorious isolation, although in the past it served as the minaret for the since vanished mosque of Firuzkuh. The entire height of the tower is completely covered with ornaments in stucco deeply carved into a fabulously opulent counterpoint of floral and geometric motifs.Uniquely ,the inscriotion band in kufic running its entire height contains a complete sure of remarkable length : the
Nineteenth , ‘Mary ‘: which record in austere tones the birth of Christ and the punishments that await evil-doers. Its purity make it a masterpiece of the mystical – rational conception of architecture that developed in the Persian ambit , a foretaste, in what is a wild and primeval setting , of mankind’s assuredness as it follows th path of righteousness blazed by the Prophet.