Because I had muttered the word 'kaa-sama', everyone there had turned their gazes towards the woman.
She glared at me indignantly.
"I'm single. I don't have a child as big as you."
Wait, Zenith-san?
Have you lost your memories in the time that I haven't seen you?
Or could it be that you've fallen out of love with Paul?
While thinking this, I stare at her.
When I do so, it becomes clear that there are a few places where she looks a little different.
Because we've been apart for a number of years, I don't remember Zenith's face that well, but the position of her mole is different, and her hair is a little different as well.
It's someone else.
"Forgive me. You resemble my missing mother."
"...I see."
She looked at me with pity.
I may have been seen as a child who had been separated by his mother.
Though I haven't really been treated as a child recently, my appearance is still that of a child after all.
"Well, well... If it isn't Temple Knight-dono, who has recently been demoted. Is there something you need?"
Baqciel snorts, and glares at the knight who resembles Zenith.
"A Supard has appeared inside the borders of Milis. I'm devoted to my work, so it's natural that I've come here, isn't it?"
"Your new post begins 10 days from now. Don't stick your nose in."
"Don't stick my nose in? That's a strange thing to say, Duke. Certainly, I have not yet taken up my position officially. However, the one who formerly held the post has already departed, and is no longer in Milishion. When there is a problem at the customs house, it is a Temple Knight who proceeds with the matter. Though this is the case, there is no other Temple Knight to be found here besides myself. Just what is going on?"
The knight who resembles Zenith continued to talk on and on.
Baqciel had uttered "Uh-" and his complexion began to worsen.
"There should be two guards at the customs house. That is something decided by the Milis Religious Organization; an ironclad rule. Surely, Duke Baqciel, you aren't planning on rebelling against the Milis Church?"
"How could that be? I have no such intention. It's just that you've come to this town in no time at all. How about taking a break first?"
"That won't be necessary."
Duke Pig's expression was like that of livestock about to be slaughtered.
It seems like I'll be having a good time the next time I eat pork.
"So what's going on here?"
It seems that somehow or other, this knight is as important as the Duke.
Hearing 'Duke', you'd normally think of the highest class of noble, but...
Religion is very strong in Milis, so that might be a reason.
"What's happened is..."
With that, Baqciel begins to explain.
Sometimes Baqciel will say something colored in prejudice, and as appropriate, I provide supplementary explanations.
The female knight quietly listens to the end, and looks towards us.
"Hm... He certainly is a demon, huh...?"
She turns a particularly strong look towards Ruijerd.
However, the moment she sees Eris, that gaze relaxes.
Then, finally, our eyes meet, and she suddenly brings her hand to my chin in thought.
"...Earlier you mistook me for your mother, didn't you? Would it be fine if you told me her name?"
"It's Zenith. Zenith Greyrat."
"And your father's name?"
I glance at Baqciel.
I don't really wanna say it...
"It's Paul Greyrat."
For the time being, I say it frankly.
Baqciel's eyes open.
My father is a different person to that trash we mentioned earlier.
That's what I'll tell him.
My father is a saintly person.
He'll even give you money if you hit him a just little.
"I see."
The female knight had said this, and then crouched down and embraced me tightly.
I was shocked.
I suddenly got hugged out of nowhere.
"It must have been hard on you..."
While saying this, she started patting my head.
Because she's wearing armor, this doesn't feel very good.
However, she gives off the sweet and soft scent of a woman.
Naturally my lower parts... don't rise.
That's strange.
Why, oh son of mine?
What's happened?
It's the smell of slightly sweaty women that you love so much.
Just recently, even that time with Eris...
Which reminds me.
I look at Eris, find that her eyes are wide open and she's clenching her fists.
"Umm... errm?"
After patting my head, the female knight had risen to a stand.
Without looking towards me, she then declared,