Position statement on generalist competencies for family nursing practice
This International Family Nursing Association position statement provides competencies for undergraduate level or generalist level nurses to guide nursing practice when caring for families and provide a focus for nursing education. These competencies are based on the following assumption/beliefs about family nursing.
Essential Theoretical/Knowledge Background :
-Family nursing theories
-Family Development theory
-Family Systems theory
-Reciprocal nature (mutual influence) of the individual family health experience
-Nurse family relationship development
-Family interventive questioning skills
-How to have a therapeutic conversation
-Clinical assessment, decision-making, and intervention skills with families
-Use of current evidence-based and practice-based literature related to family health experience and family nursing interventions
-culturally sensitive approach that incorporates each family's context and cultural practices
Family Nursing Competencies:Generalist
1.Enhance and promote family health
2.Focus nursing practice on families strengths; the support of family and individual growth; the improvement of family self-management abilities; the facilitation of successful life transition; the improvement and management of health; and the mobilization of family resources.
3.Demonstrate leadership and systems thinking skills to ensure the quality of nursing care with families in everyday practice and across every context.
4.Commit to self-reflective practice based on examination of nurse actions with families and family responses.
5.Practice using an evidence-based approach.