If there is a god, he's in the breath of children who speak these truths, and in their ability to succinctly express what most adults forget. "My heart? It's something. Everyone else's heart is something, too." I am especially fascinated by her awareness of the pitfalls of communication. We all know how difficult it is to connect with others, sometimes, especially if they are angry or defensive. She already projects an awareness that the communicator has a responsibility to communicate effectively. If you want to be persuasive, you connect with your audience, and she does this. Mom has a critical thinker on her hands. This is a gift to all of us. I encourage this to be nurtured. I'm sure it is, if she's already this capable! The only way for humanity to finally get it right is ... more of this, please. Thank you, little Tiana ... and thank you to the mom who recorded it for all posterity.