Although boosting a car battery may initially appear to be a simple application of parallel networks. It is really a series-parallel operation that is worthy of some investigation .As indicated in Chapter 2, every be supply has some internal resistance. For the typical 12V lead-acid car battery. The resistance is quite small-in the milliohm range. In most cases the low internal resistance will ensure that most of the voltage (or power) is delivered to the load and not lost on the internal resistance. In Fig 7.69. battery #2 has discharged because the lights were left on for three hours during a movie. Fortunately, a friend who made sure his own lights were out has a fully charged battery #1 and a good set of 16 ft. cables with sufficient length and heavy wire is a also a very desirable characteristic under some conditions. Be sure to check the gage of the wire and not just the thickness of the insulating jacket. You get what you pay for. And the copper is the most expensive part of the cables. Too often the label says. “heavy-duty,” but the wire is too high a gage number