Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) a∗ and b∗ coordinates were determined with a Minolta chromameter (Minolta, CR-13). For color (a∗/b∗) values, three locations (stem end, blossom end and equatorial) per fruit and the means of 10 fruit were taken for one evaluation. Numerical values of a∗ and b∗ were directly converted into hue angle (h° = tan−1b∗/a∗) and chroma [C∗ = (a∗2 + b∗2)1/2] according to McGuire (1992). The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, with means separation by Duncan’s multiple range test at the 0.05 level. To quantitatively evaluate color development and analyze the inhibition ratio, color development area was calculated from the color changing curve of the a∗/b∗ values using numerical integration. In this case, we calculated the color development area for each day from the curve of a∗/b∗ values and then summed them over the 15 day period. Relative color development area was obtained by dividing the area under the treated fruit by the area for control fruit.