TV was invented with positive thoughts in mind- there would be no national borders, education and communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings. One of the physiological effects of watching TV in excessive amounts is eye- strain. It is true that there are specifications for watching TV, for example, TV should be 5 m. away from the eye, and the room should be adequately lit. However, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired due to watching TV for a long time. Another effect is obesity. Watching TV and eating snacks everyday can lead to obesity. TV is such a powerful machine that people cannot get away from it because it is addictive. Apart from the physiological effects, TV also causes psychological effects, Many people expose to many violent scenes on TV. As a result, they start considering violent actions normal and they lose their sensitivity to their environment. Being insensitive to the suffering of other people results in people to become alienated. Shortly, inventions are meant to be beneficial for human beings, if we know how to benefit from them