In Romanian Wedding, The music was played by the traditional musicians called Lăutari.
The Lăutari will come to the bride’s house and sing traditional song while the families make preparations for ceremony
The Bride is given a ceremonial flower, which is pinned to her chest and traditional veil is added to her wedding costume.
The Groom is given a last shave, ware a new tie and also receives a ceremonial buttonhole flower.
Then they will go to the church.
And it’s not necessarily have a bridesmaid or best man. But they will have a flower girl and ring bearer to accompany them up the aisle.
And for the party. It’s traditional to be one of the family homes, or local town or village hall. But nowadays is hall, hotel or restaurant.
The newlyweds will great their guests, and The Lăutari will sing a traditional song. And when all of the guests show up the Groom and the Bride will start with The first dance, with the waltz.