How emotionally intelligent is your doctor? Although answers to this question vary, it is not surprising that physicians’ social skills or “EQ” are related to their job performance. After all, regardless of doctors’ technical competence, their ability to deal with patients and influence their behavior will depend more on their personality and attitude than what they learned in medical school. But as James Stoller, the Institute Chair for Education at Cleveland Clinic, argued, doctors have not been traditionally selected on their social skills. In fact, given that medical training mostly rewards individual competitiveness and academic knowledge, most doctors are ill-equipped to cater to the human side of patient demands.
Fortunately, that appears to be changing. In the UK, the National Health Service - the world’s fifth biggest employer with an estimated 1.7 million employees – has included leadership and collaboration as key competencies for engaging staff and improving patient satisfaction. In the US, which spends more on healthcare per capita than any other nation (despite dismal results), patient satisfaction is now critical. With the introduction of Obamacare, the quality rating of hospitals will partly depend on how satisfied patients are. Accordingly, various programs have been recently introduced to enhance EQ-related skills in doctors, including their teamwork and leadership potential.
For instance, the Centre for Creative Leadership puts doctors through an intense training program designed to boost their collaboration and leadership skills. In the past 10 years, more than 400 healthcare institutions have participated in this program. Such efforts are important because they will make doctors’ career success more dependent on their leadership skills than their clinical experience. This issue is well-known in other industries. For example, Google GOOGL -2.18% and Apple AAPL -2.61% may hire people on the basis of their engineering or coding skills, but it only makes sense to promote them if they are capable of managing and leading a team. The same approach has characterized sensible talent management practices in the financial services and creative industries for decades.
But what is the actual evidence for the importance of EQ in medical education? In a review of 485 independent studies, higher EQ was positively associated with “more compassionate and empathetic patient care” (…), “higher-scoring assessments of knowledge” (…), “and effective coping with organizational pressures and leadership” (p. 762). Moreover, EQ was also related to improved teamwork and doctor– patient communication, leading the authors to conclude that educating and selecting doctors on EQ should improve both medical education and healthcare performance. It is noteworthy that although well-designed EQ-training programs do work, it is often more effective to focus on selection than development. In other words, when selection fails, you end up spending a great deal of time and money on training and development.
Since EQ is mostly dependent on people’s personality, personality assessments are particularly effective for hiring and promoting higher-EQ physicians. For example, a review of prospective studies on medical selection and training where initial scores on personality were used to predict subsequent medical performance and work-related stress, found that higher sociability, self-awareness, and conscientiousness were all linked to better individual and organizational outcomes in the future. Of particular relevance is the link between these attributes and patient satisfaction. For example, several studies indicate that physician communication skills, warmth and friendliness, as well as the tendency to take into account patients’ concerns and expectations, all increase patient satisfaction. In line, the Mayo Clinic has long been selecting and promoting doctors with a strong team spirit, tact, and service orientation, and regarding highly driven individualistic performers as “misfits”. Furthermore, several leading US medical and surgical programs, such as the NYU Langone Hospital for Joint Diseases, Rush University Medical Center, Thomas Jefferson, Cleveland Clinic and UCLA, are now using personality assessments for selection and training in their residency programs. A leading proponent for this approach, Joseph Zuckerman, a prominent clinician and the department chair of Orthopaedic Surgery at NYU Langone, stated that interpersonal skills and professionalism are now vital to the success of physicians and should be a central consideration in the selection and training of residents.
In what is arguably the most compelling case study for paying attention to soft skills in healthcare management, Kaiser Permanente, a large care provider with over 160,000 employees and more than 9 million health plans, completely transformed its poorly-performing Colorado operations in the 1990s by replacing its executive medical director. When the new director, Jack Cochran, took over, he made clinical leadership an explicit item in the agenda and re-defined the role of physicians as “healers, leaders, and partners”. In just five years, Colorado became Kaiser’s top-performing branch on quality of care, as well as one of the highest quality health institutions in the US. Patient satisfaction rocketed, staff turnover plummeted, and, importantly for those who worry only about ROI, net income increased from zero to $87 million. Clearly, then, it does pay off to pay attention to soft skills and EQ.
Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is a Professor of Psychology at UCL and Columbia University, and the Vice-president of Research and Innovation at Hogan Assessments.