Following further discussion at an expert work shop
held in early 2013, the MEPC at its sixty-fifth session,
approved the terms of reference for an Update GHG
Study, and agreed that (a) the Update Study should
focus on global inventories (as set out in paragraph 1.3
of the terms of reference) and, resources permitting,
should also include future scenarios of emissions (as
set out in the hat and paragraph 1.10 of the
terms of reference); (b) its primary focus should be to
update the CO2 emission estimates for international
shipping, and subject to adequate resources, the
same substances as those estimated by the Second
IMO GHG Study 2009 should also be estimate
(c) a steering committee should be established that
should be geographically balanced, should equitable
represent developing and developed countries and
should be of a manageable size The final report of
the Update Study is expected to be submitted to the
MEPC at its sixty-sixth session, in March 2014