In the current more hot we more to use air conditioner at every building and at school even at UP building in satri islam vitya mulniti school, the reason why is installed air conditioner because for student happy in study and solve the problem air pollution smell from toilet of building near school. But when using longtime air conditioner affect to student itchy eyes , sneeze and fever because air conditioner is not clean from dust and germs, it way look terrible but the fact that those disasters can eliminate them easily , the answer is not to stop using air conditioner but this is well cleaning is always cleaning air conditioner from the user and suitability of environment with the way is cleaning air filter every month and cleaning all system of air conditioner and make a campaign with student not to bring food and drink into the classroom because smell of food as result cause the air conditioner to work harder for get rid of the those smell and cause various diseases . make a campaign not to bring food and drink into the classroom in addition to discount work of air conditioner and then don’t have garbage in the classroom this is can make more various diseases and should adjust suitability of temperature don’t turn on air conditioner when not use it because loss of benefits of power . just this way student can avoid bad health from air conditioner and save the energy and the world.