The abstract is between 150-250 words
and provides a clear and concise summary of the
purpose of project, project activities, and
comparison/recommendation findings.
The introduction is clear, establishes the
purpose and significance of the project and discusses
the relevance of the project to the future educational
setting and structure in Thailand
Findings are presented clearly and
concisely, using citations/quotation, tables, charts,
and graphic representations of data as appropriate to
the research questions. All tables and charts are
accompanied by interpretations and narrative that
helps to explain the data. All findings are reported
using APA style.
The comparison and recommendation
section is specific, factual (rather than extrapolated
or exaggerated), and consistent with the data
presented in findings. Study strengths and limitations
are discussed. The section reflects on the lessons
learned from the project and implications for
teachers in Thailand, research, and policy, to include
a discussion of the findings of the paper could
impact the educational setting and structure in
Mandatory schooling
The abstract is between 150-250 wordsand provides a clear and concise summary of thepurpose of project, project activities, andcomparison/recommendation findings.The introduction is clear, establishes thepurpose and significance of the project and discussesthe relevance of the project to the future educationalsetting and structure in ThailandFindings are presented clearly andconcisely, using citations/quotation, tables, charts,and graphic representations of data as appropriate tothe research questions. All tables and charts areaccompanied by interpretations and narrative thathelps to explain the data. All findings are reportedusing APA style.The comparison and recommendationsection is specific, factual (rather than extrapolatedor exaggerated), and consistent with the datapresented in findings. Study strengths and limitationsare discussed. The section reflects on the lessonslearned from the project and implications forteachers in Thailand, research, and policy, to includea discussion of the findings of the paper couldimpact the educational setting and structure inThailand.Mandatory schooling
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