Abstract. The paper aims to provide new insights concerning the role of Information Systems (IS) in the theoretical and
practical debate on New Public Management (NPM) and Public Governance (PG) reforms. If NPM aims to increase efficiency
in order to reduce costs and to improve performance, PG suggests to rebuild the relationship with society and to increase
public participation. In order to be implemented, NPM and PG reforms require the introduction of new work practices with
fundamental changes in public organizations. The paper argues that IS can be regarded as enablers of the two streams of
reforms: on the one hand IS are used for in-house government applications, on the other hand they assist in the push toward
providing more user-oriented services. To explore this theoretical argument, the ‘life-stories’ of 44 bureaucrats, operating in
four different regional branches of an Italian public agency, have been collected and analyzed. The results show that: a) IS
support the planning, control and evolution of activities related with to the achievement of goals; b) IS sustain an increase
in administrative responsibility and citizen participation. Empirically, the paper demonstrates that IS support everyday work,
putting in practice and combining NPM and PG reforms.
Keywords: Information system, work practices, new public management, public governance, management by objectives, right
of access
Abstract. The paper aims to provide new insights concerning the role of Information Systems (IS) in the theoretical andpractical debate on New Public Management (NPM) and Public Governance (PG) reforms. If NPM aims to increase efficiencyin order to reduce costs and to improve performance, PG suggests to rebuild the relationship with society and to increasepublic participation. In order to be implemented, NPM and PG reforms require the introduction of new work practices withfundamental changes in public organizations. The paper argues that IS can be regarded as enablers of the two streams ofreforms: on the one hand IS are used for in-house government applications, on the other hand they assist in the push towardproviding more user-oriented services. To explore this theoretical argument, the ‘life-stories’ of 44 bureaucrats, operating infour different regional branches of an Italian public agency, have been collected and analyzed. The results show that: a) ISsupport the planning, control and evolution of activities related with to the achievement of goals; b) IS sustain an increasein administrative responsibility and citizen participation. Empirically, the paper demonstrates that IS support everyday work,putting in practice and combining NPM and PG reforms.Keywords: Information system, work practices, new public management, public governance, management by objectives, rightof access
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