The next day.
I woke up early, and left the town with the others, passing through a canyon known as Troll Canyon.
The Troll Canyon is a large canyon located west of the country. It’s a maze that has naturally formed after many years.
The roads narrowed as we entered the canyon, and tall cliffs could be seen at every direction.
As this canyon is at the border of the country, there is a fortress watching over the border west of Teressa at this canyon. The Town of Departed Spirits that we will be going to however, is located north-west.
It’s about a 2-day walk from Teressa. We can’t ride on horse to go there because of all the cliffs, so we’ll have to go on foot with a rope in hand.
I have to say though; this is quite a valley. I just can’t help but look around at everything.
Then having noticed me, Remiri-san asked,
“Is it your first time seeing this kind of scenery?” [Remiri]
“Yes. It’s amazing. I wonder how much time it actually took for such a place to form naturally.” [Ryouma]
“This one took around 1,500 years.” [Remiri]
1500 years? Only?
“Can something like this be made in such a short period?” [Ryouma]
“True, it’s definitely a short time to create a valley. But that only holds true for natural valleys.” [Remiri]
This isn’t natural?
“Was this valley made by humans?” [Ryouma]
Remiri-san looked a bit worried for a moment, then she said,
“Mn………… Well it’s definitely influenced by man. But it’s also wrong to say that it was intentionally made by man. Actually, this place used to be the training grounds of a godchild. And because of the influence of his magic, the ground changed.” [Remiri]
Interjecting, Sebasu-san continued,
“Our country was at war when this canyon was created. Just as the country was about to be destroyed, a child of god, carrying great magical power appeared. Records speak of his absurd and powerful magic.
At the godchild’s training, mountains would be born, the earth would be split, broken, and washed away in heavy rain and waves. Because of that, this canyon and the surrounding mountain district were born.” [Sebasu]
Haa!? An otherworlder created a canyon with his magic!? No way… Ah, wait… This might be that peerless magician that Gayn and the others were talking about. He was also supposedly around during wartime too…
How crazy was his magic though, I wonder.
“Can you do it too?” [Remiri]
“No way!” [Ryouma]
No way I could! Don’t put me together with that guy! Wait, actually, since there was a guy who could do something like that, I guess it’s only a given that they would be cautious with other godchilds… If anything, I suppose I should consider myself lucky for not being persecuted.
As I thought that to myself, I felt like I remembered something. But right before I could remember that something fully, a magical beast attacked us, so I focused on that instead.
The beast that attacked was a harris crow, a bird-type magical beast. There were 20 of them. It’s an E Rank magical beast, so they’re not that strong. But with the place being so narrow, it’d be better to attack them with magic instead of weapons. But just as I was thinking to do just that, Shiva-san had already gone ahead to use a weak tornado with little killing power to drive them away.
“That sort of weak opponent; you can just scare them away with a little bit of power. There’s no reason to actually waste magic power fighting them.” [Shiva]
“I see, thank you very much.” [Ryouma]
“Don’t mind it. Something like this, I can do as many times as needed. After all, you made me realize that I’m still more than capable! Ha Ha Ha!” [Shiva]
… Somehow, Shiva-san’s a bit different compared to yesterday. Rather than cheerful, I guess you could say he’s more lively now.
We walked through the canyon with Shiva-san in the lead. From time to time, we would cross rivers, climb cliffs, fight magical beasts. It was in this way that we proceeded until the sun began to set. We looked for a place that was a road’s width wide, big enough for us to make camp. There we decided to rest.
Being at the bottom of the valley, there was little moonlight, and as soon as the sun had fully set, the whole area was submerged in darkness.
Remiri-san then began to use magic.
“Ryouma-kun, this is a good opportunity, so I’ll teach you a light attribute magic now.” [Remiri]
“Thank you very much, please do, master.” [Ryouma]
“… You don’t feel like calling me oneechan?” [Remiri]
“Please teach me, master.” [Ryouma]
I called her master a second time, and Remiri-san made a sulking face.
“Fine. Until you decide to call me oneechan, I’ll be strict on you! I’m not going to hold back at all because I’m not as nice as Elize-chan.” [Remiri]
“Yes! By the way, why did you suddenly mention the madam’s name?” [Ryouma]
“Oh, didn’t I mention it? I used to be Elize-chan’s teacher on magic.” [Remiri]
“Really? I didn’t know.” [Ryouma]
“That’s right. And not just magic, I thought her all sorts of things too. Because of that, I’ve actually also met with her daughter many times, but Elize-chan has a bad tendency of being overprotective.” [Remiri]
Ahh… I can somewhat understand.
“Anyway, let’s start. First, I’ll show you how to do it, so pay attention. ‘Holy Space’” [Remiri]
Remiri-san released light and magic power as she chanted that. Using not only my senses, but also using my magic detection, I saw a cube of magic power appear with Remiri-san at its center. Its center was teeming with magic power. It was somewhat similar to barrier magic.
“This is an intermediate magic of the light attribute, ‘Holy Space’. With this magic, you can temporarily create an area where weak undead, like the zombies or the skeletons, won’t be able to enter.
The duration and the size of the barrier depends on your ability. Also, stronger undead will be able to enter the area affected by ‘Holy Space’ by force, so be careful. Now, how about you try it yourself. Creating a small space that’s at least big enough for one person to sleep in will be good enough for your first try.” [Remiri]
Just as Remiri-san said, I gave it a shot. Using light attribute magic power, with the same concept as that of barrier magic, I designated the area. And as I filled the designated area with light attribute magic power, I visualized the image and chanted the magic words.
“’Holy Space’” [Ryouma]
I invocated the magic according to the image in my mind, but it’s a lot more difficult to control compared to barrier magic. How to put it… A normal barrier magic is like a wall, with the magic power as water inside it, but this one is closer to that of a cloth. Water can’t pass through the wall, so it just stays inside, but with a cloth, the water seeps out. If I let my concentration up for even a moment, the magic power within the designated area spills.
Well, in any case, I seem to have successfully casted the magic, so I asked Remiri-san to confirm that, saying,
“Remiri-san, how is it?” [Ryouma]
To which Remiri-san replied with a hint of disappointment somewhere in her voice.
“It’s a success. You succeeded at your first try. Congratulations in succeeding at learning ‘Holy Spell’…………… Even though it was supposed to be the hardest magic amongst the intermediate class spells to control.” [Remiri]
You know I can hear what you’re mumbling there at the end of your sentence, right!? Asking for something so unreasonable, did you really want to be called oneechan that much?
I thought that to myself as I looked at Remiri-san. Then noticing my gaze, Remiri-san brought up a new topic.
“Ah, umm… Well for the meantime, since you succeeded with ‘Holy Space’, let’s try to perfect it this time around.” [Remiri]
If there’s a place that can be improve, then lets.
“Please take care of me.” [Ryouma]
“Before that, can you show me your status board?” [Remiri]
Status board? What for?
Anyway, I brought it out just as she told me too. And then she told me that she wanted to see how much magic power I’m using by looking at the value of my magic power before using and after using the magic.
Incidentally, elementary magic costs around 50 to 999 magic power, intermediate magic from 1000 to 4999, and advanced magic from 5,000 up.
‘Holy Space’ being an intermediate magic, consumes somewhere around 4,000 to 4,900 points of magic power. But my previous successful cast of ‘Holy Space’ apparently consumed too much power. When I went to check how much magic power I used after casting ‘Holy Space’ again, I found out that I had used over 10,000 points of magic power.
The more the magic power, the longer the duration, but the 4,000 to 4,900 points of magic power are already supposedly more than enough to last a night. So naturally, using enough magic power to last several days for a place you won’t be staying in for more than a night is a waste, right? Or so said Remiri. It makes perfect sense though.
Incidentally, a similar method is being used at the imperial capital’s academy that Elia is studying at, but the standards are far lower. For example, if casting a fire ball would normally be considered efficient at 100 points of magic power per volley, and thus be considered a pass. In order to allow the nobles to have good grades, the school would let them pass even at a consumption rate of 500 points of magic power per volley.
With that kind of standard, the students use enough power to cast five volleys, but can’t even cast more than one volley. Something like that might not matter at the academy, but if they do something like that out in the real world, they’ll run out of magic power quickly. Which then effectively makes their magic useless. So Remiri-san says that in order for me not to suffer a similar fate, I need to train properly.
ในวันถัดไปฉันตื่นเช้า และทิ้งเมืองกับผู้อื่น ผ่านแคนยอนที่เรียกว่าแคนยอน Trollแคนยอน Troll เป็นแคนยอนขนาดใหญ่ที่ตั้งอยู่ทางตะวันตกของประเทศ มันเป็นเขาวงกตที่มีตามธรรมชาติที่เกิดขึ้นหลังจากหลายปี ถนนจำกัดเราใส่แคนยอน และหน้าผาสูงสามารถมองเห็นในทุกทิศทาง แสดงว่าไม่มีป้อมปราการที่ชมชายแดนทางตะวันตกของ Teressa ที่แคนยอนนี้เป็นแคนยอนนี้ที่ชายแดนของประเทศ การเมืองของออกเดินทางจิตวิญญาณที่เราจะไปอย่างไรก็ตาม north-west อยู่ได้เวลาเดินทางประมาณ 2 วันจาก Teressa ได้ เราไม่สามารถนั่งบนม้าไปมี เพราะหน้าผาทั้งหมด ดังนั้นเราจะต้องไปที่เท้าด้วยเชือกในมือ มีการบอกว่า ค่อนข้างหุบเขาอยู่ ฉันเพียงไม่สามารถช่วย แต่ดูสถานที่ทุกอย่างแล้วไม่พบ ฉัน Remiri ซังถาม"เป็นครั้งแรกของคุณดูสวยงามชนิดนี้" [Remiri]"ใช่ ตื่นตาตื่นใจได้ ไม่ทราบเวลาจริงใช้สำหรับสถานแบบฟอร์มตามธรรมชาติ " [Ryouma]"หนึ่งนี้เอาประมาณ 1500 ปี" [Remiri]"เอ๊ะ"1500 ปี เท่านั้นหรือไม่"สิ่งนี้ได้ในระยะสั้น ๆ หรือไม่" [Ryouma]"ความจริง ได้แน่นอนเวลาสั้น ๆ เพื่อสร้างหุบเขา แต่ที่เก็บเฉพาะความจริงในธรรมชาติหุบเขา" [Remiri]นี้ไม่ใช่ธรรมชาติ"หุบเขานี้ทำ โดยมนุษย์หรือ" [Ryouma]Remiri ซังดู bit ห่วงครู่ แล้ว ก็"Mn... ดีมันได้แน่นอนรับอิทธิพลจากคน แต่ก็ยังไม่ถูกต้องพูดว่า มันตั้งใจทำ โดยมนุษย์ จริง นี้ทำใช้การฝึกอบรมของ godchild เป็น และเนื่องจากอิทธิพลของเขา พื้นดินเปลี่ยนแปลง" [Remiri]Sebasu ซัง interjecting ต่อ"ประเทศของเราได้ที่สงครามเมื่อแคนยอนนี้ถูกสร้างขึ้น เพียงเป็นประเทศที่จะทำลาย เป็นลูกของพระเจ้า การถือครองอำนาจวิเศษปรากฏ เรกคอร์ดที่พูดของเขาไปมาก และมีประสิทธิภาพในการฝึกอบรมของ godchild จะเกิดภูเขา แผ่นดินจะแยก เสีย และน้ำฝนที่ตกหนักและคลื่น เนื่องจากว่า แคนยอนนี้และเขตภูเขาโดยรอบเกิดการ" [Sebasu]ฮา Otherworlder การสร้างแบบแคนยอนกับมายากลของเขา ไม่มีทาง อา รอ... ซึ่งอาจเป็นนักเล่นกลที่เพียร์เลสที่ Gayn และคนอื่น ๆ พูดถึง เขายังคาดคะเนประมาณระหว่างความโหดร้ายเกินไป...บ้าไรมีมายากลของเขาแม้ว่า ไม่ทราบ"คุณสามารถทำมันเกินไป" [Remiri]"ไม่มีทาง" [Ryouma]วิธีฉันสามารถ ไม่ใส่ฉันกับผู้ชายคนนั้น รอ จริง เนื่องจากมีคนที่สามารถทำเช่นนั้น ผมคิดว่า มันเป็นเพียงการระบุว่าพวกเขาจะระมัดระวังกับ godchilds อื่น ๆ ... ถ้าอะไร ฉันคิดว่า ฉันควรพิจารณาตัวเองโชคดีสำหรับไม่ถูกลงโทษเท่าที่ผมนึกถึงตัวเอง ฉันรู้สึกเหมือนจดจำบางสิ่งบางอย่าง แต่ก่อนฉันสามารถจำได้ว่า เรื่องทั้งหมด สัตว์วิเศษโจมตีเรา ขวาดังนั้นผมเน้นที่แทนสัตว์ร้ายที่โจมตีอีกาแฮร์ริส สัตว์วิเศษชนิดนกได้ 20 พวกเขาได้ มันเป็นสัตว์มหัศจรรย์อันดับอี จึงจะไม่แข็งแรงที่ แต่ ด้วยสถานแคบดังนั้น มันจะดีกว่าการโจมตี ด้วยเวทมนตร์แทนอาวุธ แต่เหมือนผมคิดเพียงที่ ชิซังได้ไปข้างหน้าการใช้ทอร์นาโดอ่อนแอ มีอำนาจฆ่าน้อยขับไป"การเรียงลำดับของฝ่ายตรงข้ามอ่อนแอ คุณสามารถเพียงแค่ตกใจไปด้วยนิด ๆ หน่อย ๆ ของพลังงาน มีเหตุผลที่ต้องเสียพลังงานวิเศษต่อสู้พวกเขาจริง " [ชิ]"อืมม ขอบคุณมาก" [Ryouma]"ไม่ทราบก็ บางสิ่งบางอย่างเช่นนี้ ฉันสามารถทำได้หลายครั้งตามความจำเป็น หลังจากที่ทุก คุณทำฉันรู้ว่า ฉันยังสามารถมากกว่า ฮา ฮา ฮา! " [ชิ]… อย่างใด ชิซังของแตกต่างเมื่อเทียบกับเมื่อวานนี้ ดี กว่าร่าเริง ผมคิดว่า คุณสามารถพูดเขามีสีสันมากขึ้นขณะนี้เราเดินผ่านแคนยอนกับชิซังในเป้าหมาย เวลา เราจะข้ามแม่น้ำ ปีนหน้าผา ต่อสู้สัตว์วิเศษ ในลักษณะนี้ว่า เราครอบครัวจนกว่าดวงอาทิตย์เริ่มตั้ง เรามองในที่มีความกว้างของถนนกว้าง ใหญ่พอที่เราจะทำค่าย มีเราตัดสินใจที่เหลือ ที่ด้านล่างของหุบเขา มีแสงจันทร์น้อย และทันทีที่ดวงอาทิตย์มีกำหนด พื้นที่ทั้งหมดถูกจมอยู่ในความมืดRemiri ซังแล้วเริ่มการใช้มายากล"Ryouma-kun นี้เป็นโอกาสที่ดี ดังนั้นฉันจะสอนคุณเมจิกแอตทริบิวต์แสงตอนนี้" [Remiri]“Thank you very much, please do, master.” [Ryouma]“… You don’t feel like calling me oneechan?” [Remiri]“Please teach me, master.” [Ryouma]I called her master a second time, and Remiri-san made a sulking face.“Fine. Until you decide to call me oneechan, I’ll be strict on you! I’m not going to hold back at all because I’m not as nice as Elize-chan.” [Remiri]“Yes! By the way, why did you suddenly mention the madam’s name?” [Ryouma]“Oh, didn’t I mention it? I used to be Elize-chan’s teacher on magic.” [Remiri]“Really? I didn’t know.” [Ryouma]“That’s right. And not just magic, I thought her all sorts of things too. Because of that, I’ve actually also met with her daughter many times, but Elize-chan has a bad tendency of being overprotective.” [Remiri]Ahh… I can somewhat understand.“Anyway, let’s start. First, I’ll show you how to do it, so pay attention. ‘Holy Space’” [Remiri]Remiri-san released light and magic power as she chanted that. Using not only my senses, but also using my magic detection, I saw a cube of magic power appear with Remiri-san at its center. Its center was teeming with magic power. It was somewhat similar to barrier magic.“This is an intermediate magic of the light attribute, ‘Holy Space’. With this magic, you can temporarily create an area where weak undead, like the zombies or the skeletons, won’t be able to enter.The duration and the size of the barrier depends on your ability. Also, stronger undead will be able to enter the area affected by ‘Holy Space’ by force, so be careful. Now, how about you try it yourself. Creating a small space that’s at least big enough for one person to sleep in will be good enough for your first try.” [Remiri]Just as Remiri-san said, I gave it a shot. Using light attribute magic power, with the same concept as that of barrier magic, I designated the area. And as I filled the designated area with light attribute magic power, I visualized the image and chanted the magic words.“’Holy Space’” [Ryouma]I invocated the magic according to the image in my mind, but it’s a lot more difficult to control compared to barrier magic. How to put it… A normal barrier magic is like a wall, with the magic power as water inside it, but this one is closer to that of a cloth. Water can’t pass through the wall, so it just stays inside, but with a cloth, the water seeps out. If I let my concentration up for even a moment, the magic power within the designated area spills.Well, in any case, I seem to have successfully casted the magic, so I asked Remiri-san to confirm that, saying,“Remiri-san, how is it?” [Ryouma]To which Remiri-san replied with a hint of disappointment somewhere in her voice.“It’s a success. You succeeded at your first try. Congratulations in succeeding at learning ‘Holy Spell’…………… Even though it was supposed to be the hardest magic amongst the intermediate class spells to control.” [Remiri]You know I can hear what you’re mumbling there at the end of your sentence, right!? Asking for something so unreasonable, did you really want to be called oneechan that much?I thought that to myself as I looked at Remiri-san. Then noticing my gaze, Remiri-san brought up a new topic.“Ah, umm… Well for the meantime, since you succeeded with ‘Holy Space’, let’s try to perfect it this time around.” [Remiri]If there’s a place that can be improve, then lets.“Please take care of me.” [Ryouma]“Before that, can you show me your status board?” [Remiri]Status board? What for?Anyway, I brought it out just as she told me too. And then she told me that she wanted to see how much magic power I’m using by looking at the value of my magic power before using and after using the magic.Incidentally, elementary magic costs around 50 to 999 magic power, intermediate magic from 1000 to 4999, and advanced magic from 5,000 up.‘Holy Space’ being an intermediate magic, consumes somewhere around 4,000 to 4,900 points of magic power. But my previous successful cast of ‘Holy Space’ apparently consumed too much power. When I went to check how much magic power I used after casting ‘Holy Space’ again, I found out that I had used over 10,000 points of magic power.The more the magic power, the longer the duration, but the 4,000 to 4,900 points of magic power are already supposedly more than enough to last a night. So naturally, using enough magic power to last several days for a place you won’t be staying in for more than a night is a waste, right? Or so said Remiri. It makes perfect sense though.
Incidentally, a similar method is being used at the imperial capital’s academy that Elia is studying at, but the standards are far lower. For example, if casting a fire ball would normally be considered efficient at 100 points of magic power per volley, and thus be considered a pass. In order to allow the nobles to have good grades, the school would let them pass even at a consumption rate of 500 points of magic power per volley.
With that kind of standard, the students use enough power to cast five volleys, but can’t even cast more than one volley. Something like that might not matter at the academy, but if they do something like that out in the real world, they’ll run out of magic power quickly. Which then effectively makes their magic useless. So Remiri-san says that in order for me not to suffer a similar fate, I need to train properly.
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