Newborn babies do not know if they are boys or girls, but it does not take them long to find out. They are quickly learn the way that their society expects males and females to behave and think. That is, they learn their gender roles. From the moment of birth, babies are usually treated according to their gender. In the United States and in many other countries, baby girls tend to be dressed in pink clothing and baby boys in blue. Baby girls are handled more gently that boys. Girls are cuddled and kissed while boys are bounced around and lifted high in the air. Girls are given dolls, whereas boys are given cars, trucks, and building blocks. Mothers think a lot about how pretty their little girls should look, but they are less concerned about their little boys’ appearance. When they start to talk, children are taught the difference between the words ‘he’ and ‘she’ and between ‘him’ and ‘her’. There are also differences in the way parents talk to their children. Parents use words about feelings and emotions more with girls than with boys, and, by age 2, girls use these words more than boys do.