Figure VIII.8 shows the comparison of Exp. I turmeric vs Exp. II and III
curcumin in regards to the relationship of curcumin levels in the diet (mg/kg) and
ADG for d 0-21. Curcumin concentrations in the diet are highly quadratically
correlated to ADG (R2
= 0.99), whereas, curcumin levels increase so does ADG.
There is a quadratic increase for the relationship of curcumin levels and ADG
studied in Exp. II and III (R2
= 0.75). Therefore, for maximum ADG, the level of
curcumin that should be supplemented in the diets of nursery pigs is 46 and 94
mg/kg. The contrast between Exp. 1 turmeric and Exp. II and III curcumin in
regards to the association of curcumin levels and TNF-α at h 3 PI are shown in
Figure VIII.9. There is a quadratic response, where as curcumin levels increase
in the diet, TNF-α decreases for Exp. 1 (R2
= 0.63) and Exp. II and III (R2
= 0.92).
In order to reduce inflammation the most during an immune response, the levels
of curcumin to be fed to nursery pigs is around 95 mg/kg