ldentiy the target market: understand what they think and why, know what they value, have documentation of their purchasing habits. understand the product? How does the perception of the Does the consumer consumer differ from the reaty of the product? Finow and understand the competition, how it operates, and its object ves. Whom does the consumer consider as a competitor? What is the statement benefit the consumer expects from a brand? From an organization? The benefit to the consumer must be clearly stated. There must be persuasive communication that gently subty and credibly convinces the consumer that the product and its benefits are wonmihie and superior to those of other similar products in the marketplace. The personality must give the brand a life and sou with which the consumer can eas y identity. It should differentate the brand from the competition. How is the message positioned in the mind of the consumer? Is it best because it Longer lasting? Fun? was first? Is it more contemporary? What action should the consumer take as a result of the message? Do we expect the consumer to call for information? To go directly to a reta strategy to reach the target market? Direct mal? What is the best communication open house? Television? Telemarketing?
should capitalize on unique aspects of the product or the whenever marketplace when moving fom Winnipeg to Phoenix the Jets changed their name Phoenix.The to the Coyotes-an image more in tune with the desert environs surrounding name and location change provded the Phoenix franchise with a marketing theme capital the coolest game in the desert" (69) izing on the new home-Experience when selecting a theme or a name, the marketer should try to ensure that the theme cannot be turned against the organization. Prior to their emergence as a baseball power in the mid-1990s, the Cleveland Indians were a woeful collection of poor performers with department little interest and identification outside of their own market The marketing team performance the early 1990s hit on the theme The Tribe-This is your team was even worse than expected, the theme was turned into a joke The Tribe This is your team-who else would want them? An effective method for getting new products off the ground is to distribute samples to the public The beauty of sampling is the lack of risk to the custo mr when there is no charge, sampling. people will try almost anything Gatorade is a company that has long emphasized Gatorade maintains a presence at thousands of sport venues throughout the United States and Canada where it uses sampling to test consumer reaction to new flavors, to introduce products, and to explain why Gatorade is important. Gatorade maintains a high presence tournaments and in other settings triathlons, and volleyball at events such as marathons, where the potential consumer is active and building a thirst. Reebok is another company that uses sampling, Reebok has taken to the streets with a van consumers to try on their latest model of DMx athletic shoes. and trailer setup to encourage"shoe techs who explain the At these Reebok locations there a no salespeople-just demonstration models for the consumer to try on. This more nontraditional hoe and provide type of sampling is also becoming prevalent in larger sporting goods stores, which may use court surfaces or running tracks to enable the customer to really sample the product.