Thank you for contacting G2A Digital Marketplace Customer Support. G2A is the marketplace where Customers have a wide range of products offered by independent sellers.
Your order was declined by the automated security system - we apologize for the inconvenience. We suggest that you should always be sure to put correct credit card and billing information (country, city etc.) during your purchase. Please be aware, that in case of rejection, refund is automatic.
Please take a look on this list of potential problems, it should help you with .
Is the telephone number submitted in the order valid and up to date? If not, could you please give us the updated number ?
Are you sure the email address used in the order was correct? Is the address registered with that account valid and up to date ? Perhaps you have been making the order for your friend's email address instead of your own ?
Are you the owner of the account from which the payment was made ?
Perhaps you are using any software that could block data transfer ?
Should you have any other problems, please feel free to contact us.
With Best Regards,
Mike K