(liu, He, Gao, & Xie, 2008) have conducted an empirical study on Chinese customers for
online shopping. They proposed a model of satisfaction process in the e-commerce environment.
The research work was limited to single country and may not be directly applicable to western
The outcome of their research shows that customer services are strongly, predictive of online
shopping customer satisfaction. Further, delivery and customer service has very important role in
Chinese market. The wide range of commodities and competitive price is important, because online
customer can compare the price with one click. Detailed and complete product information should
be given, because buying decision is only made with the information available online. The first
impression is the design of website, its contents, which can improve customer satisfaction. Web site
transaction capability is necessary element to complete a transaction. Continence and easy to use
function can save time and improve satisfaction. Finally, Security and privacy becomes spotlight in
their findings because, ID authentication while making online transaction and credit system is not
available in China.
An empirical study has been conducted by (H & Hsu, 2008) in Taiwan. Online shopping
conditions are different from regular shopping in many ways. First of all, web site appearance and
fulfillment systems is like front line employees, Second, every online transaction involves number
of third parties, such as credit card clearance companies, and delivery firms. Therefore, a new
customer satisfaction index is required, to measure customer satisfaction in online environment. In
new model, customer expectation is replaced by trust and service quality is replaced by e-SQ. There
is one additional relationship introduced, which is from trust to customer loyalty. The result shows
that customer satisfaction is most important factor that determines online customers loyalty. Trust
makes a positive impact on perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Further
results suggest that e-SQ might be more important than other factors, e.g. perceived and trust in
determining customer satisfaction. The deficiency of study, it is based on one-site sampling scheme,
which limits the generalizability.
(Kim H. R., 2005) has conducted an empirical study in UK to develop an index of online
customer satisfaction. The study integrates and applies the concept of satisfaction from three field’s
i.e. marketing, management information system (MIS) and e-commerce. The main function of this
paper is an exploration of the factors affecting satisfaction. The results show that ten factors on
index are good exponents of satisfaction repurchase behavior and repurchase intention.