The World Trade Organization (World Trade Organization:WTO) is an international organization that developed from the general agreement on Tariffs and trade (GATT) have agreed in the round of multilateral trade negotiations Uruguay Round The world trade organization established on January 1 2538.149 country. The country was a founding member, the 59 on December 2537 28 World Trade Organization with headquarters is located. At the Geneva, Switzerland
.The purpose of the WTO is
1. Make the international trade is the freedom most
2.? The liberalization of by through the process of negotiations 3,
. Provides for the establishment of the system to resolve the dispute
.The role of the world trade organization is as follows:
1 management agreement memorandum of understanding in charge through the Council (Council) and board. (Committee), as well as to ensure that there is compliance obligations
2.A stage in the negotiations to reduce trade barriers among its members. The tax policies and measures, which is not 3, tariffs
. Following the international trade. And provide the trade policy review of members regularly
4.Provide assistance to developing countries in terms of information and tips to can follow the obligation has
5.Coordinate with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (World Bank) to make corresponding policy economy increasingly