It was Taiwan's first women's business school. By far, the most significant influence on the development of this school has been its founder and first president, Dr. Teh-Ming Pao. As the government had just moved to Taiwan and the economy of that day was lagging behind that of others and that there was an urgent need to nurture business professionals, Dr. Pao invested herself in forming and operating a school that would be devoted to supporting national development. At the same time, she broke down the myth that women exist for convenience and are without talent, believing rather that education opportunities for women would increase their rights and contributions to society. Thus, in the fall of 1956, she began preparations for opening a school. On March 25 of the following year, the Ministry of Education approved its founding, and that fall, students were recruited for the beginning of formal classes. Thus began the first chapter and page of Ming Chuan’s educational family history.