the state of ‘exo-prismatic’ and the lesser the ‘endo-prismatic’ character of change. Such a difference occurs because, with endogenetic change, ‘effective’ behaviour precedes the creation of new formal institutions, but in an exo-genetic transformation the sequence shortest possible time, prismatic societies face the possibilities of higher formalism, heterogeneity and ‘the severity of evolutionary tensions’.
Concept of Development
Riggs defined development as ‘a process of increasing autonomy (discretion) of social systems, made possible by rising level of diffraction’. ‘Discretion’,he observer, is the’ to choose among alternatives’ while diffraction refers to the degree of differentiation and integration in a social system. Ecologically, development is increasing the ability to make and carry out collective decisions affecting the environment. Riggs considered differentiation and integration as the to key elements in the process of development. Differentiation means existence of a situation in which every function has a corresponding specialised structure for its performance. Integration means a mechanism to tie together, to link-up, to mesh and to coordinate the various kinds of specialized roles. The levels of differentiation and integration represent diffracted and prismatic conditions of development. If the soci