Pottery used within households supplies an exceptional medium for explaining wealth differences, especially within a complex agrarian society, where all households rely on low-fired earthenware pottery to process their daily food. The Gamo have a strict socioeconomic organization in which households with more farmland and household wealth eat foods that require a higher amount of economic wealth than the poorer households can afford to purchase or process. The household pottery assemblages and their associated surface attrition characterize the Gamo wealth variation. Gamo household wealth can be interpreted through household differential processing of luxury foods and beer. There are extreme amounts of attrition on ceramics used for beer and luxury grains and dairy foods, which was not found on vessels used for processing other food types. Most beer vessels, especially jars, were used for storage, while most grain and dairy processing pots, especially jars and bowls, were used for cooking and serving. Jars are the most common vessel class used for beer processing and had extreme amounts of erosion extending from the base up to the upper body and rim. The jars and bowls used in grain and dairy processing had evidence of interior surface attrition from the base to the upper body, which was caused by the fermenting of food. The use-life of beer vessels was almost twice as long as food vessels. Most breakage associated with beer vessels was the result of surface attrition. However, food vessels broke more often because people used them repeatedly over hearths and moved them around the household increasing their chance of being dropped or hitting another object.
This surface attrition analysis demonstrates that pottery can contribute to a better understanding of interhousehold wealth differences.Wealthier Gamo households own more farmland and cattle, supplying them with more grains and dairy products than poorer households. Harvesting surplus grains provides these households with the ability to process more beer and to be able to purchase the expensive large jars and beer jars from potters. Furthermore, these wealthier households are able to cook foods containing grains and cattle by-products, such as milk and butter. These products tend to ferment and the cultural practice of not washing the vessels after food preparation causes a higher incidence of interior vessel erosion in the ceramics of wealthier households. The relationship between household pottery, foods, and wealth provides a signifier for archaeologists delineating wealthier households from poorer households.
The Gamo example offers archaeologists with a clear association between the processing of certain foods and beer, severe surface attrition, and household wealth. However, if cultures have a custom of cleaning their vessels after they are used, then other types of surface attrition may become apparent (Skibo, 1992). Ethnoarchaeology provides an important tool in the documentation of how people use their material culture in context with their socioeconomic status, furnishing archaeologists with a clearer interpretation of past cultures.
ผลกระทบทางโบราณคดี Pottery used within households supplies an exceptional medium for explaining wealth differences, especially within a complex agrarian society, where all households rely on low-fired earthenware pottery to process their daily food. The Gamo have a strict socioeconomic organization in which households with more farmland and household wealth eat foods that require a higher amount of economic wealth than the poorer households can afford to purchase or process. The household pottery assemblages and their associated surface attrition characterize the Gamo wealth variation. Gamo household wealth can be interpreted through household differential processing of luxury foods and beer. There are extreme amounts of attrition on ceramics used for beer and luxury grains and dairy foods, which was not found on vessels used for processing other food types. Most beer vessels, especially jars, were used for storage, while most grain and dairy processing pots, especially jars and bowls, were used for cooking and serving. Jars are the most common vessel class used for beer processing and had extreme amounts of erosion extending from the base up to the upper body and rim. The jars and bowls used in grain and dairy processing had evidence of interior surface attrition from the base to the upper body, which was caused by the fermenting of food. The use-life of beer vessels was almost twice as long as food vessels. Most breakage associated with beer vessels was the result of surface attrition. However, food vessels broke more often because people used them repeatedly over hearths and moved them around the household increasing their chance of being dropped or hitting another object. ผิวนี้ attrition วิเคราะห์แสดงให้เห็นว่า เครื่องปั้นดินเผาสามารถนำไปสู่ความเข้าใจของความแตกต่างให้เลือกมากมาย interhouseholdครัวเรือน Gamo wealthier เองเพิ่มเติมพื้นที่การเกษตรและปศุสัตว์ ส่งพวกเขา ด้วยธัญพืชและผลิตภัณฑ์นมกว่าครัวเรือนย่อมเพิ่มมากขึ้น เก็บเกี่ยวธัญพืชส่วนเกินช่วยให้ครัวเรือนเหล่านี้สามารถประมวลผลเบียร์ และสามารถซื้อขวดใหญ่ราคาแพงและขวดเบียร์พอตเตอร์ส นอกจากนี้ ครัวเรือนเหล่านี้ wealthier จะสามารถปรุงอาหารที่ประกอบด้วยธัญพืชและสินค้าพลอยได้วัว นมและเนย ผลิตภัณฑ์เหล่านี้มีแนวโน้มให้ความสับสนอลหม่านต่อและการปฏิบัติทางวัฒนธรรมไม่ล้างเรือหลังจากเตรียมอาหารทำให้เกิดอุบัติการณ์สูงของเรือภายในพังทลายในเครื่องเคลือบของครัวเรือน wealthier ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างเครื่องปั้นดินเผาที่ใช้ในครัวเรือน อาหาร และอีกมากมายให้ให้ signifier การ delineating ครัวเรือน wealthier ครัวเรือนย่อมจากนักโบราณคดี ตัวอย่าง Gamo มีนักโบราณคดี มีความสัมพันธ์ที่ชัดเจนระหว่างการประมวลผลบางอย่างอาหาร และเบียร์ attrition รุนแรงผิว และทรัพย์สมบัติในครัวเรือน อย่างไรก็ตาม ถ้าวัฒนธรรมเองทำความสะอาดเรือของพวกเขาหลังจากที่พวกเขาใช้ แล้ว attrition ผิวชนิดอื่น ๆ อาจไม่ ชัดเจน (Skibo, 1992) Ethnoarchaeology แสดงเครื่องมือสำคัญในเอกสารว่าคนใช้วัฒนธรรมของวัสดุในบริบทด้วยสถานะประชากร นักโบราณคดีตกแต่ง ด้วยการตีความที่ชัดเจนของวัฒนธรรมที่ผ่านมา
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