Loki gives human kisses. When she’s happy to see people she’ll lick their faces all over in greeting, but if you say, “Give me a kiss,” she’ll keep her tongue in and just touch her lips to yours (or to your cheek if you point to it). I didn’t teach her to do this, I just started rewarding her for it after she started doing it on her own. I really think she understands what kisses are. Same with hugs. She only gives real hugs when I come home after being gone for a while. Otherwise when I say “Give me a hug” she just kinda puts her paws on my shoulders and then gets down. But when she’s welcoming me home, she puts her paws over my shoulders and squeezes while stretching her back so she’s pressed as close as possible. And she’ll hold on for the exact amount of time necessary for a perfect hug. To be honest, she gives better hugs than most humans. I think she might just be a person in a dog body.