Some aspects of the methodology might still warrant further examination. There are alternative choices for the measure of inflation used to the adjust the thresholds, for example. And, while the general conclusion is that using the absolute thresholds continues to be the most useful approach compared to a relative classification, and that there is value in maintaining them, alternatives could be considered. One relatively simple and attractive adjustment would be to align the low income threshold with the cutoff used as one of the inputs to determine eligibility for the World Bank’s concessional lending arm (IDA) - currently set at $1,215, compared to the $1,045 LIC cutoff. This is a source of confusion for many users, who tend to equate the two already. Another option might be to define an additional set of thresholds based on the relative ranking of countries, say quartiles, and then hold these thresholds constant in real terms going forward, perhaps as a pilot system in parallel with the existing one. There are many other options and possibilities, and we welcome your views