comparing and contrasting
in this unit you will learn how to organize a comparison and contrast essay. When we compare, we look at the similarities between two things, people, or ideas. When we contrast, we look at the differences. It is important to remember these point when comparing and contrasting.
1.The two thing that you compare and contrast must be of the same general class. You could not compare and contrast a mouse whit an elephant, but you could compare and contrast the African elephant whit the Indian elephant.
2.When you compare and contrast two thing., the points you use for support must be used for both things. For example, if, in whiting about the food of one area, you discuss the vegetables and fruit, the ways of cooking, and the use of spices, you must also discuss also discuss these points about the other area.
There are several ways of organizing a comparison and contrast essay. In this chapter, we will look at the most basic pattern, which is called block organization.
In block organization, all the similarities are discussed in one block (one or more paragraphs). Then the differences are discussed in another block. The block organization pattern looks luke this: