Product quality can be defined as bthe sum of the properties and characteristics of a product or of a service which confer on it the ability to satisfy implicit or explicit requirementsQ (see Edwards and Casabianca, 1997). This definition encompasses many aspects that, in the case of food from farm animals, include both real and perceived attributes of the product. Primary attributes of quality can be viewed as those that are directly and objectively measurable in the material take some time to adjust to their new environment.produced; for example, physical, chemical, microbiological,
and organoleptic measures. Secondary attributes of quality can be viewed as those which relate to consumer perceptions of the product but may not be measurable in the material itself; for example, animal welfare, environmental impact, cultural, socioeconomic, and traceability/safety aspects of the production system. These have also been referred to as
attributes of dproductT and dprocessT, respectively.