We have watched examples of video about non-verbal language from the professor. We have the format of the video various from those videos. Everyone in the group has been given the topic of each subject to be written script. We planned to present to all five main topics. When we walk though adults or those with a higher social position, we shout walking bow in order to demonstrate manner of Thailand which Thai people believe is the proper behavior extremely. Wai is represent to respect, which expresses meaning for greeting, say thank you, say sorry and say goodbye. And mostly taught about wai to foreigners that themselves known. Throwing thing across the head is inappropriate manner. If you send things to the adults, we should bring it to walk on their own. Even a friend or someone younger, we should do this for polite which all Thai people considered to be proper manners as well. And all this is a part of the video that our group has presented. During the video shooting some people in the group also forget script of himself, make must be to shooting the video several times in the each scene, but everyone in the group calm and harmony, so no problem for it.