This time limit was lowered from 16 to 12 weeks in 1979. [ 4 ] The 1970 law also allowed abortion up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in the event of fetal deformity or physical threat to the woman's health. A 1985 bill allowed abortion up to 20 weeks of pregnancy for underage women and up to the 24th week if an amniocentesis or ultrasound found serious impairment in the fetus.
Under most circumstances, the approval of two physicians is necessary to approve an abortion. Only one is necessary in the medically obvious cases of under-age or over-age pregnancies or when the woman has already had four children. Women seeking abortions must be provided with information detailing the significance and effects of the procedure.
In 2008, there were 10,423 abortions in Finland . There has been a gradual decrease in abortions over time, largely attributable to a decrease in the under 20 age group