2.8.2 Upazila and district workshops
In the upazila and district level sessions focus has been dual. In the upazila level workshops upazila level line agency professionals were present in the workshops. On the other hand in the district workshops district level officials of relevance participated. Some representatives from the upazila offices of respective districts have also participated in the district workshops.
Both the livelihoods and institutional issues along with adaptation issues (with possibilities) have been discussed in detail in these formal workshops. In the upazila workshops both matrices and the discussions were inspired. These sessions also remained participatory in nature.
Two district workshops were carried out in the study after completion of the four upazila level workshops. Taking a gradual scalling up approach the community and upazila level session findings were shared in these district workshops. Additional needed data and information have also been collected in these district workshops following “Delphi method” (through cards). At district level, more policy level issues have been collected to develop greater understanding of the vulnerability and the adaptation of the respective districts of the study area.
2.8.3 Key informant interviews
Additional to the community sessions and upazila level workshops, key informant interviews were carried out with various relevant people and professionals. Interviews were usually carried out in a “one to one” mode, “one to many mode” and in many cases with more “elderly informants/members of the community” as well. Some interviews were carried out with female members as well. Usually, after each community sessions researchers sat with respective key informants for such interviews in a more suitable locations preferred by the informants. Key informant interviews were carried out with relevant: a) institutional (i.e. agency) resource professionals, b) local knowledgeable people, c) livelihood group members; d) female members, and e) other associated people. Approximately over thirty such key informant interview sessions were carried out sporadically in four upazilas of the study area.