Deeply rooted in Chinese society is the need to belong and conform to a unit, whether the family, a political party or an organization. The family is the focus of life for most Chinese. Age and rank are highly respected. However, to the dismay of older people, today's young people are rapidly modernizing, wearing blue jeans and sunglasses, drinking Coke and driving motorbikes.
Meeting and Greeting
Shake hands upon meeting. Chinese may nod or bow instead of shaking hands, although shaking hands has become increasingly common.
When introduced to a Chinese group, they may greet you with applause. Applaud back.
Senior persons begin greetings. Greet the oldest, most senior person before others. During group introductions, line up according to seniority with the senior person at the head of the line.
Names and Titles
Use family names and appropriate titles until specifically invited by your Chinese host or colleagues to use their given names.
Address the Chinese by Mr., Mrs., Miss plus family name. Note: married women always retain their maiden name.
Chinese are often addressed by their government or professional titles. For example, address Li Pang using his title: Mayor Li or Director Li.
Names may have two parts; for example: Wang Chien. Traditional Chinese family names are placed first with the given name (which has one or two syllables) coming last (family name: Wang; given: Chien).
Chinese generally introduce their guests using their full titles and company names. You should do the same. Example: Doctor John Smith, CEO of American Data Corporation.