particular OC brand, were developed by pharmaceutical
companies. OC app download costs are
shown in Fig. 1, while features, overall and by
Smartphone platform, are presented in Table 1.
In the summer of 2013, 39 unique, modestly
priced OC reminder apps were available for
download, in the US, on Android and/or iPhone
smartphone platforms. Perhaps the most important
finding from this study was that most apps
(n ¼ 32; 82%) reliably sent a daily reminder, at a
time selected by the user, that an OC pill should
be taken. Additionally, nearly all OC reminder
apps functioned without Internet connectivity.
Certain app features overcome common causes
of missing an alarm, and hypothetically, may
minimize likelihood of an OC user missing a daily
pill. Silent mode override, an option present in
68% of apps that use a sound alarm, overcomes
the potential to miss an alarm due to the
Smartphone being on silent mode. Perhaps
equally important, in 75% of apps, the reminder
remains on the screen until the user confirms
receipt of notification, allowing the user to receive